acumos 0.4-4 (2021-07-02)
- Enclosed the URL in DESCRIPTION in angle brackets (...)
- Debug DEBIAN test-api fail : write the intermediate zip file produced
by 'compose()' into the temp dir
acumos 0.4-3
- The zip file produced by 'compose()' will contain a another zip file
( including the component.bin and the compenent.swagger.yaml files.
This mimics the current python client behavior, so that the
compenent.swagger.yaml file can be uploaded without changes at
Acumos on-boarding and Acumos Portal.
- In the ‘push' function, if component.swagger.yaml exists it will be zipped
along with component.bin into And the request ’payload' is in this case.
- In the 'push' function, if a file exists in the model bundle,
it will be unzipped.
acumos 0.4-2
- Set that when create==FALSE deploy cannot be set to TRUE.
- Correct the 'push' function so that the swagger YAML file is uploaded
as part of the bundle.
- By default, set the bundle (component) file extension to '.zip' instead of '.amc'.
acumos 0.4-1 (2020-10-15)
- debug 'pkg.deps()': (i) a less R version dependant base packages listing,
(ii) continue the while loop until the good order of package dependencies
is found, (iii) correctly exclude base packages (remove versions and
whitespaces in the while loop).
- handle component variables to run without modifying '.GlobalEnv'
(not allowed by the CRAN policies).
- use of ‘thesthat': test that the API works after ’run()'.
acumos 0.4-0
- with 'compose()', generate a new file, 'component.swagger.yaml', that
describes the component API using swagger 2.0.
- serve a swagger UI at the path '/' and the swagger YAML description
file at the path '/swagger.yaml', using 'RestRserve'.
- the API can now receive and send data with "application/"
and "application/json" content types. The content-type must be precised, and is
considered as "application/json" by default.
acumos 0.3-0
- add 'composeFromSource()' and 'pushFromSource()' functions, enabling
respectively to compose and to push a bundle from an R file (considered
as the component source) in which all the functions and auxiliary
objects needed to compose the bundle are defined.
- change 'push()' to look up and include in the POST request a potential
'component.R' file contained in the bundle.
acumos 0.2-8
- add 'create', 'license' and 'headers' parameters to 'push()'.
- change the meaning of '...' in 'push()' to supply any additional
elements for body of the 'POST' request. This allows optional
parameters to be added to the onboarding service.
acumos 0.2-7
- allow the ‘file’ argument in run() to be a directory
containing the unpacked component.
acumos 0.2-6
- added send.msg(..., response=TRUE) to allow more easy testing
of REST-style pushes (internal interface only).
- minor documentation updates such as mention of data_response
run-time option.
acumos 0.2-5
- updated to generate meta.json version 0.5.0
- added service rpc entry in the proto file
acumos 0.2-4
- update push() to take the bundle and upload in pieces until
the server supports bundles.
- include schema version in meta.json
acumos 0.2-3
- improve package dependency detection by removing versions and
acumos 0.2-2
- add run(init.only=TRUE) option to setup the run-time
environment without actually running the server
- new runtime parameter data_response=TRUE enables direct
passing of the output data to the caller. When set the POST
request to the functions (like /predict) returns the result in
the same request. If nto set (the default) it only retuns
success/failure status.
acumos 0.2-1
- add auth() function to obtain authentication token from Acumos.
- add push(token=) to use token (obtained form auth()) for
authentication purposes.
acumos 0.2-0
- switch to using bundle model component files (.amc) instead of
individual files (.json/.bin/.proto)
- addd debugging env var ACUMOS_DEBUG for verbose logging
acumos 0.1-2
- add support for push()
- include non-loaded dependencies
acumos 0.1-1
- add documentation
- add transform, fit, generate and service endpoints
acumos 0.1-0